
BSARU callouts and incidents in 2024

total hours and numbers of incidents by type
Incident Type No Incidents Total Man Hours
Call Out 9 473
Totals 9 473

BSARU Incidents 2024

list of incidents and man hours per incident"
Incident Type Date Incident Man Hours
CALL OUT 17/07/2024

The team were called out by Police Scotland at 1943hrs to assist with a lost hillwalker on the Cheviot hills. The police managed to get a good location reference using the Sarloc feature, where they can send a message to a person's smartphone with a link, and when this link is clicked, it gives a fairly accurate grid reference of the phone's location. 

The 'casualty' was uninjured, just lost, so a limited response was mounted by 10 local team members, who drove 2 landrovers as near as possible to his location. Meanwhile one team member who lives very close to the location set off with the help of a farmer and his quad bike to make early contact, and start walking him down to the landrovers. He was then transported back by landrover to his car at Byrness. 

41 hours
CALL OUT 15/07/2024

At 1850hrs the team were called out by the police to help with reports of a very young missing child near Duns. 18 team members responded, and due to the vulnerability of the child we called for backup from our neighbouring team, Tweed Valley Mountain Resvcue, who responded with 10 members available. A police helicopter, SARDA Southern, and SAARA Scotland were also called to help with their dogs and drones. 

Fortunately the missing child was found safe and well at 1913hrs by the police while all personnel were en route,  

21 hours
CALL OUT 26/06/2024
At 2130 last night Police Scotland requested the assistance of BSARU in searching for a missing person near Seton Sands.
The team deployed immediately with 14 team members responding, and searched until 0330 this morning. HM Coastguard and HM Coastguard helicopter were also deployed.
The missing person was located outwith our search area late this morning.
107 hours
CALL OUT 21/06/2024

The team were called out at midnight by medics at the Summer Spine Race who had concerns about a competitor who had triggered his SOS button near Kings Seat on the Pennine Way and was suffering from severe exhaustion and a leg injury, unable to weight bear. 9 team members responded along with 11 members from Northumberland National Park MRT who reached the casualty, administered pain relief and packaged him onto a stretcher for a 3km carry out to a waiting BSARU landrover at the Border Gate. The casualty was then transported by team vehicle to Cocklawfoot farm, to be met by a waiting Ambulance for further transport to hospital. The team were stood down at 0624hrs.

67 hours
CALL OUT 08/05/2024

The team were called out at 15:12 to search for a high risk missing person in the Binning Wood area. 18 team members responded, as well as the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. Sadly a body was found by the Coastguard. Sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.  

87 hours
CALL OUT 19/02/2024

The team were initially put on Stand By at 18:07hrs to assist our neighbours NNPMRT for a possible stretcher carry from the Cheviot Summit. 13 team members were then briefly called out until the NNPMRT hasty party managed to make contact with the injured party, and established that they could be walked off the hill with assistance to the Northumberland side, after which we were stood down at 19:08hrs. 

24 hours
CALL OUT 18/01/2024

07:10 Spine Race 

Hypothermic runner on Pennine Way.

Ourselves and Northumberland National Park MRT attended and casualty was stabilised and transported to Kirk Yetholm in BSARU Land Rover, for further assessment and warming.

48 hours
CALL OUT 16/01/2024

The team received a call from the Police asking for advice in using a Drone to search for a high risk missing person. 2 team members were involved for a total of an hour and passed the callout to SARAA Scotland.

1 hours
CALL OUT 04/01/2024

The team were called out at 21:45hrs to search for a high risk missing female in the Duns area. 19 team members responded and the casualty was found by the police at about 01:00hrs outwith our search area, and passed to the Ambulance Service. 

77 hours

Our Supporters

St Johns Ambulance Logo Scottish Mountain Rescue Amazon Smile

Contact Us

Write To: BSARU Secretary, Langskail, Broadgait, Gullane, EH31 2DH