2011 Incidents

BSARU 2011 Incidents

total hours and numbers of incidents by type
Incident Type No Incidents Total Man Hours
Call Out 11 767
Event Incident 2 7
Stand By 2 0
Totals 15 774

BSARU Incidents 2011

list of incidents and man hours per incident"
Incident Type Date Incident Man Hours
CALL OUT 07/12/2011

Two team members assisted police by determining the accurate grid reference of an uncontrolled wind turbine on Coldingham Moor. This was necessary to ensure there was a safe exclusion zone around it.

1 hours
CALL OUT 16/11/2011

BSARU and SARDA were called out on Wednesday evening to search for a missing person in Dalkeith Country Park. A woman was later found by police.

112 hours
CALL OUT 01/11/2011

Team was called out at night, along with the dive team to search for a missing person in the Kelso area.  A woman was found in the River Tweed and both teams assisted in her rescue. She was taken by ambulance to BGH.

60 hours
CALL OUT 03/09/2011

One team member driving Land Rover assisted BUWST and police marine unit at Peebles on a river search.

7 hours
CALL OUT 07/08/2011

Team was called out in conjunction with RNLI, Coastguard and Strathclyde police helicopter to search for a missing person in the Eyemouth area.  Police and members of the local community continued the search the following week after rescue teams had been stood down.  Sadly, a man's body was found the following weekend.  Fatality

78 hours
STANDBY 05/08/2011

Team placed on standby to assist Tweed Valley MRT with a possible incident in Midlothian.  No action was required by team.

0 hours
CALL OUT 24/07/2011

Team are called out urgently - along with Tweed Valley MRT - at 1:30am following a report of an overdue walker.  Unfortunately, whilst team were en-route a body was discovered.  Team were requested to continue response as the body was on difficult terrain and would require MRT assistance to recover.  Fatality.

35 hours

Team assisted 2 horse riders who had fallen from horses whilst taking part in the Stichill ride out.  Both were transported by ambulance to BGH.

3 hours
CALL OUT 09/07/2011

A four-man team providing safety cover for the Duns Rideout are re-deployed to assist Borders underwater Search Team with a body recovery on the river Tweed.  Team members provided bank safety cover and help recovering and transporting the body to the nearest road access point.  Fatality

An article in the Southern Reporter is available here.

8 hours

Border SAR went to the assistance of a participant in the Redeswire rideout following a fall from a horse. Casualty was treated by team medics before being taken by air ambulance to Borders General Hospital.

An article on the BBC news website is available here.

4 hours
CALL OUT 20/06/2011

Team are called to search for a vulnerable missing woman in the Gifford area.  The woman is fortunately traced safe and well as the team were en-route to the area.

14 hours
CALL OUT 09/06/2011

Callout to assist Tweed Valley MRT with a missing person search in the Galashiels area. Despite TVMRT searching all last night and ourselves searching all day today, nothing has been found.  The team has also been assisted today by Borders Underwater Search Team, SARDA search dogs and the Strathclyde Police Helicopter.

A BBC article on the callout is available here.

82 hours
STANDBY 11/05/2011

Team placed on standby following a river-based incident.  All persons safe and well - no action needed by team.

0 hours
CALL OUT 13/01/2011

The team were called out on Thursday evening and after a lengthy 2 day search in the Lammermuir hills above Nunraw Abbey near Gifford, sadly, the body of a man was recovered. The search, in difficult conditions, involved search and rescue dogs and on the second day Tweed Valley MRT & Strathclyde Police Helicopter. Fatality

230 hours
CALL OUT 11/01/2011

Team called out at night to rescue two walkers from Windy Gyle (2030ft) on the Pennine Way.  Both walkers had become disorientated and exhausted due to the conditions and called 999 requesting assistance.  Team members located the walkers, treated them for hypothermia and assisted them to safety in very icy winter conditions.

140 hours

Our Supporters

St Johns Ambulance Logo Scottish Mountain Rescue Amazon Smile

Contact Us

Write To: BSARU Secretary, Langskail, Broadgait, Gullane, EH31 2DH