BSARU February 2025 Update

Article written by Seymour Haugh for Kelso Life Magazine - featuring the Lockerbie Celebration of Gratitude & Remembrance Service, Progress on the New Base, and January team activities.


Kevin Sterrick and Team Leader Scott Thompson accompanied Brian Tyson to the Lockerbie Celebration of Gratitude & Remembrance Service at Tundergarth Parish Church on 21st December.

All agencies that responded on the night and following days were invited to attend and asked if they would like to contribute an item of insignia to be displayed permanently in the Lockerbie Heritage Museum, located within the Tundergarth Kirk ruins. BSARU’s contribution was a silver salver engraved with the team logo at its centre which Brian presented during the service.

As part of the legacy, responders were asked to share their personal stories from the aftermath of this horrific terrorist attack. Brian shared his account in a written statement. His heartfelt words were deeply moving, capturing the true magnitude of the challenges faced by responders. His story will be displayed along with others to form part of a story board within the Heritage Museum.

Kevin Sterrick, Brian Tyson and Scott Thompson at Lockerbie

 New Base Update

A fully functional utility sink and worktops have been installed in the garage. Plumbing of the hot water system for the kitchen and garage is completed and only awaits final electrical work. Work on the remaining two toilets is due to start soon.


At 1900hrs on the 7th of January the team received a callout to attend Berwick Law after police had received reports of lights seen falling from the Law. This turned out to be the light of a runner proceeding down the hill. The search involved the Coastguard, Coastguard Helicopter and the SORT team (Scottish Ambulance Special Operations Team consisting of paramedics who are trained to respond to challenging and hazardous incidents).
As I write this Team members Damon Rodwell and Gavin Kippen are taking part in the Spine MRT Challenger North event. This started at Hardraw, North Yorkshire on 13th January and involved covering 160 miles along the Pennine way to Kirk Yetholm in a time limit of 108 hours. Read how they got on in next month’s article.

January training was on the use of avalanche transceivers in rescue situations and treatment of avalanched casualties in preparation for the team’s winter skills training weekend in February.

Finally, having contributed an article since January 2020 this is my last one. After 35 years as a member of the BSARU, I have decided to step down as a volunteer of Mt Rescue. Future articles will be authored by Damon Rodwell who may well bring a new slant to the BSARU reports.

I would like to thank all at Kelso Life for their continued support of the BSARU.

Seymour Haugh

Our Supporters

St Johns Ambulance Logo Scottish Mountain Rescue Amazon Smile

Contact Us

Write To: BSARU Secretary, Border Search and Rescue Unit, Carlaw Road, Pinnaclehill Industrial Estate, Kelso, TD5 8AS