BSARU December 2023 Update

Article written by Seymour Haugh for December 2023 issue of Kelso Life Magazine - team base update, training and SMR Conference.

New Base Update

Six team members started the job of clearing up the accumulated dust and debris from internal base work in the garage and other rooms and washing down floors and surfaces ready for a partial occupation of the building. Meanwhile Team member Scott Thompson, Bowmont Water, is undertaking the work of installing the toilets and shower, and team member Damon Rodwell, Alarms for Farms, is fitting cameras and alarms. The electrician will have finished installing fire alarms. By the time this is published the team hope to be housing our vehicles at the new base.

Riverbank Safety Training

 Bankside Training

Team members can often be involved in searches along riverbanks. There is always the potential that a team member ends up in a flooded river due to a trip, slip, or riverbank collapse. It is therefore a policy to provide safety training for team members from a professional trainer every 3 years. Thus, on the weekend before storm Babet team members took part in river safety training for mountain rescue personnel at Banff Mill on the Tweed. Thankfully dry suits were provided. Once in deep water team members practised floating down river with feet up to avoid potential debris, before practicing defensive swimming on their backs with head pointing towards calmer water and the riverbank. Different techniques of throwing a recue line were tried. Two methods of collectively crossing water were also undertaken.

Scottish Mountain Rescue Training Conference

Six team members attended the training conference at Glenmore Lodge, Scotlands National Outdoor Training Centre, where various workshops were on offer. Activities included Rigging Light, Digital Mapping, Casualty Care, Well Being, Water Awareness, 4x4 Driving Theory and Incident Management.

BSARU take this opportunity to wish you all a merry Christmas, and for all those venturing into the hills over the holiday period stay safe.

Sixty Years Strong a History of The Border Search and Rescue Unit 1963 – 2023

Sixty Years Strong - a History of the Border Search and Rescue Unit 1963-2023 book cover

Copies of the book can be obtained at Hector Innes Photography or Browns Newsagent, price £15.


Our Supporters

St Johns Ambulance Logo Scottish Mountain Rescue Amazon Smile

Contact Us

Write To: BSARU Secretary, Border Search and Rescue Unit, Carlaw Road, Pinnaclehill Industrial Estate, Kelso, TD5 8AS